Friday, November 2, 2007

Buying vs Developing Leads

In my time building my online business, I have bought leads on a regular basis. I've bought home business leads, mlm leads, surveyed leads, and have even used old leads that my uplines were throwing out. I would use anything just to talk to someone about my business. It's been my experience that the success rate is very low, and the cost very high. A friend of mine had just as much success as I did by just going through the white pages, and that didn't cost her anything but time. I spent thousands and got nowhere, she spent nothing and had the same results. In looking back at that experiment in blowing cash, which one of use was working smarter?

If you are just trying to sell something, you are going to be very disappointed in your calling results. Most people just don't want to buy from someone they don't know. I have learned to take a different approach. I have learned to look at that lead in a different manner. This is no longer someone to sell something to, but someone I can get to know. I happen to enjoy getting to know new people and I am always interested in what the think and do, so the new approach is a lot easier on my fragile ego. Rather than going into a sales pitch, I just introduce myself, let them know how I got their number and ask them how they are doing with their pursuits in internet marketing and let them tell me what they are doing. I'm not out to make a sell, I'm out to get to know this person. I let them know up front I am interested in what they are doing, and I work on developing a friendship or at least a working relationship with this person. We can exchange thoughts about our online businesses and internet marketing. At some point in time, that person will begin to ask me about my business, and how am I having this success at what I do. Then, the door is open to explain my opportunity.

Believe me, there are so many scams and worthless programs out there, they want to hear how you are being successful. But, now they will listen to you since you have this relationship. This approach takes a little longer, but it is much more successful. I will go into more detail on my next post.

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