Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Make Money Now Marketing System

I just this week ran across a wonderful marketing system developed by one of the Veretekk trainers. Since I tend to still try and attend as many training classes as possible, I was pleasantly surprised when I clicked on a banner ad and there was a system by Mo Youngs. Mo teaches classes on forum posting and blogging for Veretekk. The cost of the system was $9.97,but what the hey,I'll pay that much just to see what he had, as I know him and he is an extremely smart guy and has a great sense of humor.

I was totally blown away by what Mo and his two buddies had developed. It is a marketing system that tells it all. Now, that is quite unusual as most of these systems you purchase just give you bits and pieces to a puzzle and then you are left to try and figure it all out on how everything really works, but Mo and his friends Clyde Batton and Brad Slinkard have told it all. All the little secrets to how to really market on the internet and how the"gurus" really build those big gigantic businesses. If you are still struggling to figure out how it all really happens, I suggest you check out the 997Make Money Now marketing system. It will be the best $10.00 you will ever spend. Good going guys for finally laying it all out for us to see how it all works from A to Z.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Buying vs Developing Leads

In my time building my online business, I have bought leads on a regular basis. I've bought home business leads, mlm leads, surveyed leads, and have even used old leads that my uplines were throwing out. I would use anything just to talk to someone about my business. It's been my experience that the success rate is very low, and the cost very high. A friend of mine had just as much success as I did by just going through the white pages, and that didn't cost her anything but time. I spent thousands and got nowhere, she spent nothing and had the same results. In looking back at that experiment in blowing cash, which one of use was working smarter?

If you are just trying to sell something, you are going to be very disappointed in your calling results. Most people just don't want to buy from someone they don't know. I have learned to take a different approach. I have learned to look at that lead in a different manner. This is no longer someone to sell something to, but someone I can get to know. I happen to enjoy getting to know new people and I am always interested in what the think and do, so the new approach is a lot easier on my fragile ego. Rather than going into a sales pitch, I just introduce myself, let them know how I got their number and ask them how they are doing with their pursuits in internet marketing and let them tell me what they are doing. I'm not out to make a sell, I'm out to get to know this person. I let them know up front I am interested in what they are doing, and I work on developing a friendship or at least a working relationship with this person. We can exchange thoughts about our online businesses and internet marketing. At some point in time, that person will begin to ask me about my business, and how am I having this success at what I do. Then, the door is open to explain my opportunity.

Believe me, there are so many scams and worthless programs out there, they want to hear how you are being successful. But, now they will listen to you since you have this relationship. This approach takes a little longer, but it is much more successful. I will go into more detail on my next post.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Free Lead Generation and Seo

If you are tired of paying for really lousy, worn out leads, then the answer is to learn how to generate your own. If you are like I was, and don't have a clue how to do that, then this blog is for you. My heart goes out to the little guy who is trying to do lead generation on his own without any training on how this all works. I have spent the last 2 yrs learning and now I am ready to teach others. Don't get me wrong, I'm no guru, but I have learned enough to generate my own premium leads, and I haven't paid a penny for one since I found trainers who taught me for free. Most of us little guys don't really know what it takes to be successful with the development of an online business, but there are actually folks out there who will teach you for free! They taught me for free and I am now going to try and pass on what I have learned.

What is a custom premium lead? It is a lead that knows your name and is glad to talk with you when you call them. This is the type of free lead we want to develop. I use a lead generation system Veretekk to develope my premium leads. This system is so much more than just a lead generation system. It's all about SEO and getting your website for your primary home based businesses to the top of the search engines. If you think you can join and affiliate program and make 10K a week with just the few pushes of a button, then you go ahead and spend your money and see what happens. They got my money in the beginning also. That's how they survive, by us little guys who want to start a home based business, and we don't know any better than to believe their hype. Developing your business is hard work, and you need to know how to work smart. If you don't mind hard work and you have patience, you will succeed with the right tools and the right education on how it's done. It's nothing magical,it's just hard work and the right mindset.

Marilyn Nelson

Sunday, August 12, 2007


As any internet marketer knows, leads are an ongoing process that is the lifeblood of your business. You can but them or you can develope them. I have found that developing them is the best way to go, especially if you don't have access to unlimited funds while building your business.

I have made it my business to learn everything I can about developing free leads. Since my pockets are not infinately deep, I have spent much time and effort to learn how to utilize the Veretekk lead generation system. It is a massive system and I learn new aspects of it almost daily. Tom Prendergast and Mike Darling have spent ten years developing and refining this system, and it is a marvelous piece of technology.

Unfortunately, most people are not willing to sacrifice to learn all they need to know to become masters of their business. To truely excel, you must be willing to spend the time and effort required to become very proficient at your craft. These are the folks that the money gurus are ripping off constantly. Hey, I have been there also. They got me a few times for my hard earned dollars, but that is when I began my quest for a better way.

I have learned there is a better way, it's just not an easier way. If someone starts telling you that they have an easy way to get rich on the internet, please save yourself some money and lot's of heartache, and run the other way. There is nothing that is honest and real that comes easy. This lead generation is hard work if it is done honestly. Building an internet business is hard work and there are basic principles you must master. If you don't have honest, qualified teachers,you are sunk before you get started. Please don't believe the hype. You must learn how this is done are you are just feeding the gurus your money.

To get a really good basic education in internet marketing, go get yourself a free Veretekk system. They provide free, live training on how to set up your system and how to market on the internet. There are people out there paying thousands of dollars for this information and Veretekk gives it to you free. Your trainers are also some of the best on the internet.
Butch Hamilton is a Veretekk trainer, and you cannot get much better than this guy. He is an SEO specialist and will teach you for free in Veretekk.